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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  January 6, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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@ñçm@; >> glenn: tonight, a very special -- sorry, tomorrow night, a special and personal show. there was a time in my life and there is a time in your life and the country where things look pretty bleak. tomorrow, i will share with you a very personal story. how the country and you can change the world. >> bret: we'll introduce you to the man next in line to run the show for president obama. republicans and democrats in the new congress revive old arguments about healthcare and spending, but read the constitution first. plus, slashing dollars and jobs from the pentagon budget. live from our studio in washington, this is "special report." good evening, i'm bret baier. president obama's white house shake-up continued today with the naming of a new right-hand man. former commerce secretary william daily will take over
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as chief of staff. doug mcelroy says about what this election says about where the president is going. >> reporter: after the second senior staff change in as many days the white house sends unmistakable message course correction may be at hand. >> you, mr. president, proving your strength, your leadership, your vision in a most difficult time for our nation and for the world. you have also shown through your example that public service is honorable calling and i am pleased to answer your call. >> reporter: william daily, the youngest child of chicago mayor richard daley and brother of the outgoing mayor returns to public service from his job for corporate accountability of j.p. morgan. his banking and private sector experson and clinton era secretary of commerce got enthusiastic endorse fire department the u.s. chamber of commerce. the president tom donahue said, "this is a strong
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appointment. bill daley is man of stature in global trade and affairs." this is the latest in what is shaping up as overall of senior staff positions at the white house. >> i will make more changes. >> among those that are gone or going is rahm emanuel, paul volcker, david axelrod, press secretary robert gibbs. among those coming in chief of staff william daley, gene sperling director of the national white house economic council and david plouffe. what do the changes signal? >> what we're having here is a course change for the election. i don't think we're having a fundamental ideological change out of the white house whatsoever. this is about how to get 270 electoral votes.
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>> the poy intment of the centrist suggest expansion of federal role to creation of jobs. >> we are seeing washington regulators on steroids. and hopefully the moderate centrist advisors coming in their position will put a check on got regulators. >> obama's choice of daley will win no points as the professional left. released a statement where he said it's up to daley to prove he is not carrying water in the white house for the big banks that took our economy off a cliff. that's it from the white house. bret, back to you. >> bret: doug, thank you. today was the first full work day for the new congress and fresh limainted republican went to work. we have full coverage. jim angle reports on the evident to slash spending but
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we begin with correspondent shannon bream with the attack on obama care. >> two days in the 112 congress and battle to repeal the healthcare law is underway. starting with a showdown in house rules committee to set paramete parameters. >> what we're attempting to do is not a surprise to any member of the public or any member of congress that's reading about expectation of performance. >> but some democrats say what they expected is more in a debate of a mistake, rolling back the biggest legislative success of the hearing. >> no hearings. then you are telling me you want to close rule. bring it to the floor. no amendments, no input. so much for the open process. there is none. >> i promised a more open process. i didn't promise that every single bill would be open bill. >> along with fighting back democrats, the republicans must also deal with this.
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a letter from john boehner, congressional budget office saying repealing the healthcare law will probably increase the budget deficit in the 2012-2019 period by total of $145 billion. democrats argue republicans are ignoring cbo numbers that don't fit in their equation. >> sometimes we like what they say and sometimes we don't. when you don't like the call on the field, it's not part of the rules of the game that you throw the referee off the field and substitute your judgment. >> the fight over the healthcare law is playing out against the backdrop of headline in today's "l.a. times." insurer blue shield of california seeks rate hikes as much as 59% for individuals. the company responded to the report saying the eye-popping increase have almost nothing to do with the federal health reform law. adding that cool health reform would slow the trend of skyrocketing premiums,
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something democrats argued all along. >> what we have got to make sure that we protect people who need help with their healthcare. >> in an odd twist today, house rules committee was abruptly adjourned when the chairman realized the vice president was never sworn in on the house floor despite being here on the hill for the day's events. he is not the only one. mike fitzpatrick of pennsylvania made the same mistake. today they were both sworn in but now there is haggling of with a to do about the votes they cast before technically elig to believe do so. bret? >> bret: thank you. budget committee chairman paul ryan today said this afternoon contrary to the cbo and the democrats claims, the obama care will increase the deficit by $700 billion. more on that with the panel. the republicans won the house by characterizing the democrats as out-of-control spenders. chief washington correspondent jim angle reports now democrats say republicans are
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making things worse. >> resolution agreed to without objection. >> by 410-13, house voted to cut its own budget by 5%. symbolic vote to start the deficit reduction process at home. >> the $35 million we're going to cut from our own budget is just the first step. >> democrats who resisted democrating cut accused republicans of not being serious, charging they're adding to the deficit, not reducing it. >> so much for cutting the deficit. on the first day on the job, republicans are already spending trillions more than they plan to cut. republicans want to give millionaires a tax break and the new rules say there is no need to cut spending to pay for it. >> republicans long argued taxing people less should not have to be offset but democrats don't insist on that either. when they voted for the tax cuts just signed by the president they trumpeted the middle class tax cuts and
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didn't try to pay for them, though they're try times as wealthy. democrats want to make a different point today. >> there was a lot of hoopla about how they're changing things. >> people think we're afraid of cutting $100 billion, they have another thing coming. this is the beginning. >> republicans reaffirm the determination to cut spending as much as possible, etch as the obama administration sent official request to congress to raise the debt limit. a letter from tim geithner warns reaching the debt limit would mean treasury would be prevented by law from borrowing to pay obligations that the nation is legally required to pay. republican leaders don't dispute that but say any such vote should be accompanied by serious debt reduction. >> it would be irresponsible to deal with the debt limit without taking corrective action so we're not facing this each and every year.
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>> if we do, you can't default, we need the fiscal fixes to do that. >> oddly enough in 2006, senator obama himself vote against raising the debt ceiling saying we need to get serious about fiscal discipline. if he still feels that way, he will have republican company. bret? >> bret: jim, thank you. >> the people of the united states to form a more perfect union. >> all article 1, section 1. >> that was newly elected house speaker john boehner. you hear nancy pelosi there opening today's session by reading the first words of the u.s. constitution. republicans and democrats took part in the exercise. majority republicans said it symbolized the promise to enforce the constitutional limits on the government power. some democrats question the mov move. there was one interruption. a woman in the gallery cried out and she was removed.
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we have a full report at the end of the hour. gallup organization says their data shows the democratic party is losing ground among americans. it says 31% of americans identify themselves as democrats. that ties for the lowest annual average in the last 22 years. 29% side with republicans. independents are up to 38%. the npr executive who fired juan williams last year resigned. ellen weiss, senior vice president for news, the npr board voted that ceo vivian shiller will not receive her 2010 bonus, because of concern over her role in the firing. williams, who is a fox news contributor, was terminated over remarks he made about muslims and political correctness. he will be on our all-star panel in a few minutes. suspicious packages shut down mail room at governments in maryland. also, while another closes half of the main terminal at dulles airport in virginia.
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we will give you an update on that. plus, some tough real-life decisions about cut in military spending. ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol advil. to len more and get youspecial offer, go to take action. take advil. go to everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do.
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appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. >> bret: this is a fox news alert. there have been several bomb scares in areas surrounding washington today. half of the main terminal and several baggage carousels shut down if dulles airport, northern virginia. you are looking there live after a suspicious package was
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discovered. this is a live shot of the airport. we're told right now no flights have been effected. three potentially explosive devices were found today in separate locations in maryland. two devices discovered at the maryland building. a third was found in courthouse in downtown baltimore. police say it contained printer toner. the devices at the state building did not explode but fizzled. there have been no serious injuries reported. >> both investigations are continuing. it's early in the investigation. the maryland state police and fire marshal are working with coordination of the law enforcement and partners with the f.b.i. and joint terrorism task force on this investigation as it continues. so there are a lot of questions yet to be answered. >> the u.s. joint special operations command established a new facility to oversee the
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growing use of special tops to fight terrorism. idea is to speed information sharing and shorten the time between targeting and the military action. the new center will be in the washington area. . defense secretary robert gates has taken the knife to the pentagon budget. the cuts come on the same day we learn of a new marine deployment to afghanistan. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is following the action. >> fewer stealth fighter jets that are running billions over budget. downsizing of the army and marine corps. now the healthcare premium for the service members and their families may rise for the first time in 15 years. all are among the budget cuts announced by the pentagon today in an evideffort to pre-et having the budget slashed by deficit-conscious congress. the most surprising announcement, in 2015, the army will shrink by 27,000 soldiers and the marines will be forced to lose 15 to 20,000
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troops. after years of told the force structure was too small. the result under two much stress. reductions based on the assumption the u.s. will be out of iraq and the war in afghanistan will have been handed over to afghans in 2014. gates argued the army and marines will be larger than when he took over. the marine corps, 7 to 12,000 troops larger. >> secretary gates admits he acted pre-emptively. >> there have been calls for major reduction in defense spending. i consider such proposal risky at best and potentially calamitous. >> they were reiterated by powerful republicans on the budget committee today. >> there is waste at the pentagon. we have to go after the waste. we have to save money in the d.o.d. budget. >> some question if this is the right time to cut the armed forces.
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new photos of the fighter jet, j-20 tested raised eyebrows among gates' critics who say he should not have cut production of the stealth fighter jets last year and placed the marine corps version on probation for two years. >> the plane that the chinese seem to be developing looks like the f-22 fighter that secretary gates canceled. he said at the time the chinese weren't going to have this for a long time. >> anticipating criticism it's cutting the size of the military, the pentagon announced today it's sending 1400 more marines to afghanistan in the coming weeks. separately gates anounced that general martin dempsey will replace outgoing army chief general george casey. >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon tonight. thank you. military and diplomatic officials tell the "associated press" that the u.s. andnate efforts failed to dept taliban strength in the last year.
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ohio congressman dennis kucinich plans to offer a resolution to end the war calling it unconstitutional. in iraq, the return of cleric moqtada al-sadr prompted jubilation by some and cautious optimism from others. he once led a militia battled american and iraqi forces and he left the country in twe2007. now he reemerged as a new partner in the iraqi government. more trouble along the u.s. border with mexico. pair of incidents involving young people in conflict with law enforcement. here is correspondent laura ingle. >> the case of a 17-year-old shot by a border patrol agent in arizona is being treated as an assault on federal officer investigation. according to the f.b.i. the special agent in charge of the case tells fox, federal agents were trying to arrest drug smugglers on the u.s. side of the border
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wednesday, when a group of bystanders on the mexican side began throwing rocks at them. one of the agents fired the weapon at the teenage boy who had been throwing rocks who then attempted to scale the border fence. >> he yelled, and i got shot in the chest, help me. he fell from the fence. >> the teen was found dead outside a hospital in mexico. according to the u.s. customs and border protection, deadly force may be used when an agent believes that a person possesses the means, intent and opportunity to cause death or grave harm. in another violent episode, three 15-year-olds and two 17-year-olds were taken in to custody near el paso, texas, in ciudad juarez, after a running shoot-out with federal police. ongoing trend where police arrest young drug suspects in the area. the teens were allegedly driving a pick-up truck that contained ten pounds of marijuana. ciudad juarez is no stranger to violence. between january and november
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of 2010, nearly 2900 murders were recorded there. average 262 a month or nine murders a day. in new york, laura ingle, fox news. >> bret: still ahead, playing politics over the constitution. up next, hard times and learning to live with a lot less. ♪ [ male announcer ] we asked people all over america where the best tatoes come from. the best potatoes? idaho. idaho! idaho. [ male announr ] and how do you know you're getting idaho potatoes? well, uh... um... [ male announcer ] not all potatoes come from idaho. so if you want the best, you have to do one important thing. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i knew that. i kw that. [ male announc ] look for the grown in idaho seal.
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>> bret: first time applications for jobless benefit rose by 18,000 last week. retail sales were disappointing from december, just over 3% after 5-1/2% rise in november. stocks were mixed today. the dow lost 25-1/2. the s&p dropped almost three. the nasdaq gained 7-1/2. speaking of profit and loss,
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many americans are trying to save more, spend less these days. correspondent steve brown has one cautionary tale of what can happen when they don't. >> fiancees look through their bills for things they can do without. like many americans, money is scarce. he lost his construction job and her real estate job is non-exist. >> we're living paycheck to paycheck. >> they cut out health club, movie and dining out and they only pay the interest on the mortgage. before hard times hit, they lived op credit. now they say when they get back on their feet -- >> probably won't live frivolously from paycheck to paycheck. i'll probably put more in the bank. >> americans haven't been great savers. we are better spenders than savers. and our savings rate has declined since the peak in the 1980s. >> u.s. commerce deparent research shows americans saved
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sparingly little between largely 4-5% in the last five years. and reports estimate half of the baby boom generation now just starting to hit retirement doesn't have enough saved to get them through the retirement years. >> baby boomers are the me now, get it now generation. i think part of it is because we have had a fair amount of economic prosperity. so we really haven't had to salt away for a rainy day. >> there isn't much sunshine in the immediate economic forecast. >> i don't see the foreclosures dropping in 2011. i don't see the unemployment rate significantly dropping. basically, this is the year of the consumer to get their spending in check. >> trend for people who can save is to keep it liquid. >> resident investing in the market, they will keep three to five months worth of salary in a nest egg account to protect them. >> as they plan a simple september wedding, they say putting aside money will be a priority as soon as they have enough to set aside.
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in chicago, steve brown, fox news. >> portland, oregon, prides itself on being ecofriendly city, but now it's finding that the latest ecoendeavor may come at a steep cost. correspondent, dan springer has the expense report. >> reporter: with more green buildings than almost any other city, portland, oregon, known for environmentalism. now they're planning the largest living office building in the world. constructed with the local materials, it will generate its own electricity, use only rain water and recycle waste. the mayor says it will bring jobs and expertise. >> it will help keep american businesses competitive. the oregon sustainability center is important to america. >> critics call it a scam. the build willing be paid for mostly by tax dollars. the only government and environmental group will pay among the highest rent in portland.
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to meet green golds, people inside the building must conserve. >> people have to learn to like being warm in the summer and cold in the winter. there will be 1,000 monitors of energy in the building, including every plug. >> portland state university will include classrooms and offices for faculties studying sustainability. officials say the prestige worked the premium rent and will save money using less energy. >> they are operating at a half, a third or a quarter of a typical building. >> results are mixed. in 2005, washington state became the first state to require all government buildings to be built green. >> the new green school used more energy per square foot than the non-green counterparts built in the same school district at the same time. >> proponents say every green building pushes the technology along. while others argue innovation should be left to entrepreneurs. back in portland, the project is going through another redesign in hopes of lowering the cost, as the realization
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sinks in, just because you build it green doesn't guarantee they'll come. in seattle, dan springer, fox news. >> bret: one bird is ruffling feathers and prompting conspiracy theories. that's next in the grapevine. and sean penn as an american ambassador? we tell you which world leader thinks it's a good idea. ugh, my sinuses... the congestion... it's your fault. naturally, blame the mucus. well, i can't breathe. did you try of course. blowing your nose? [ both ] and nothing came out. instead of blaming me, try new advil congestion relief.
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>> bret: now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. venezuela hugo chavez offered a solution to diplomatic standoff between his country and the u.s. that began when he rejected president obama's choice to be ambassador to caracas. "i hope they name oliver stone. i'll suggest a candidate, sean penn or linguist and philosopher noam chomsky. we have a lot of friends there. bill clinton." he recounted the interaction with hillary clinton at brazil inauguration last week.
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"i said to senior clinton how was your husband. but i made a mistake because i speak bad english and said, "how is your wife?" she laughed and then i said husband." authorities in saudi arabia detained what they say is a spy from israel masad agency. vulture tagged with the words "tel aviv university." front page story in the "jerusalem post" references saudi newspaper report that the vulture was found in a rural area of the country wearing a leg bracelet and transmitter. the paper said the incident appeared to be a zionist plot. you may remember last month an egyptian governor suggested recent shark attack in the red sea were the work of the israel spy agency. something different today. 112 congress following wednesday's swearing in. majority of republicans and some democrats took time for something that would appear to inspire little controversy.
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but correspondent james rosen reminds us appearances can be d disreceiving. >> they read aloud the founding document. ritual that concluded 85 minutes later with a gospel singer from tennessee. >> shall take effect until election of representatives shall intervene. >> republicans conceive the reading to enshrine the constitution as the legislative benchmark. "vanity fair" cited it cost several million dollars. university said it was implausible for republicans to think the constitution can be a vehicle for shrinking the government. >> if i may inquire before we start this. >> early on, democrats voted to protest the constitution that is being read, a modern
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one. >> this is emotional for me. given the struggle of african-americans to create a more perfect document. >> the text we're reading reflects the changes to the document made by the 27 amendments to it. >> democrat nadler childed them for worshipping the constitution like the bible dropped by to read the clause about federal lands. [ screaming ] >> screaming from the gallery about president obama's birth certificate in section of presidential qualification disrupted the proceeding briefly. >> sergeant of arms will remove those responsible for the disturbance. restore order in the gallery. >> [ inaudible ] they included the newly empowered and the newly disgraced, the young and the old. even the most fall language took on a new dimension, as when the three-term democrat laura richardson of california read allowed article 2, section 1 and gave it an idea
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what it will sound like when a woman some day swears like this. >> i will faithfully execute the office of the president of the united states. and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states. >> we'll be hearing more about the constitution in this congress. the new house rules require that every piece of new legislation be accompanied by explanation of the lawfulness under the constitution. in washington, james rosen, fox news. >> bret: a new man in charge to help the man in charge. we'll get reaction to the next white house chief of staff and other white house moves from the fox all-stars when we return. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a. scholar.
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today, i am proud to announce the appointment of an experienced public servant, devoted patriot, my friend, fellow chicagoan, bill daley
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as the chief of staff. >> i used to say in last two years, there was nobody in the white house that run a lemonade stand. they were college professors and former officials. this guy has been in the private sector, been part of business. my first reaction is it sounds like a good idea. >> bret: there is some reaction from the white house to the chief of staff, naming of bill daley, former commerce secretary. here is the left's reaction. a twitter -- tweet from daily coast founder who just said, "sigh." ezra klein on his blog said the daley pick seems like a bad idea to me. liberal blogger jane hampshire said the house oversight committee chairman darrell issa will investigate fannie and freddie. daley was a fannie mae board member. and fannie is the third most hated cane in america. like painting a sign on your back that says kick me. here is robert weissman, the public of the public citizen. why in the world is president
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obama selecting as his chief of staff is person who comes from the wall street that wrecked economy and ardent supporter of the job offshoring, nasa style trade agreements that hallowed out the industrial heartland? this is the wrong direction for the administration. what about the pick? jona goldberg. juan williams, fox news contributor. syndicated columnist, charles krauthammer. >> this is hard to tease out my cynical interpretations for this. on the surface level, smart move for obama from policy wise, good news if you want to move to center where the better policies are. good news. politically, one thing that is left out in some of the statements that daley opposed is obamacare, which we'll talk about in a little bit. interesting angle. this is a brilliant move for guy who is going to raise $1 billion to run for president.
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great way to blunt opposition from the chamber of commerce which did a great deal to hurt them in the mid-term election. we knew the white house was terrified of the chamber of commerce. it was smart politics. ticking off bunch of left wing bloggers i don't think hurts a democratic president. we have to see if it's window dressing or affects policy. >> essentially the white house is saying're not going to pay attention to carving on the less. >> professional. >> bret: professional or unprofessional. >> we have a new robert gibbs in the house. >> to me, what is interesting is they're going to alienate people who are carrying water for them. you say the left saying that daley carries water for wall street and america hate wall street. >> bret: with j.p. morgan chase. >> and fannie mae. they call that the third most hated group of corporation in
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america. why is president obama bringing the folks in? the quick answer is he wants to makfriends with the business community. one of the insightful comments i saw is bill daily chief of staff will determine who gets to see the president. there will be more business meetings and the level of trust among people who had given money to president obama in the campaign from wall street was gone after the first two years. trying to rebuild the trust. get them to pay more investment to green shoots economy. that's what this is about. >> bret: charles, a little more than a year ago, daley wrote op-ed for the "washington post" where he said, "the agenda of the party most liberal supporter has not won supporter of majority of americans. they need to move to the
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center and in doing so set the stage for many years worth of the leadership necessary to produce pragmatic change the american people actually want want." >> this is a perfect statement, the daley statement of a year ago is perfect statement that obama wants the country to think he is doing and will do for the next two years. a classic example of repositioning. i don't believe it's repositioning in the sense he is changing ideology. the election of november did not give him a road to damascus moment, where he decided to become a centrist. he's not. he's a smart man and he understands there is no way in the next two years while the house is republican any of the liberal agenda is going to pass. next two years he is devoted to present himself and ask act as centrist. smart, only way to get re-elected. then if he gets re-elected he has free hand for the next
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four years. daley is perfect. in the early '90s he shepherded nafta and the chinese trade agreement. so he is a free trader. he is the guy as we heard opposed obamacare and is a lobbyist and worker for jp morgan had opposed the financial reform. when the semi-radical items that obama got through in the 111th congress, he is against it. he is who you want as the face of the administration for two years from a political perspective, exactly the right choice. >> bret: meantime, other changes here. economic team changed dramatically. larry summers left. gene sperling is the director of the white house national economic council. gene sperling has ties to the clinton administration. paul volcker is leaving as well. this is a shake-up in the economic team in a shaky
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economic time. >> it is. remember when obama pooh-poohed the clinton as small ball and he wanted to be left wing reagan and now shazam, he is trying to take the entire clinton team on board. do a replay and saying he's not. >> bret: juan, we are talking staff changes so we'd be remiss if we didn't ask you about the npr staff change today. ellen weiss, senior vice president for news announced her resignation after a review of the firing of you from npr. vivian is keeping your job. your announcement? >> it's good for npr. the constitution wants to go forward as news organization and huge audience has to have reform from the inside.
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they have to be open to other point of view of people coming in and representing the larmer world. they had orthodoxy and weiss was the enforcer of the ingrown and incestuous thinking. >> bret: do you think she should have lost her job? >> i think people should be treated with decency and i was surprised by the legitimacy came into the investigation. i thought it would be disparaging me to further justify what they have donement but i'm surprised anything happened. but someone who called me a psycho and aloon i don't have positive feelings about. >> bret: all right. we leave it there. up next, the read og the constitution. do you think the reading of the constitution was a good move today? vote in the online poll.
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this health law by raising taxes, imposing new mandates and increasing uncertainty is already destroying jobs in our country. it will continue the destroy jobs in america unless we do something about it. >> are we saying the healthcare bill is perfect? of course not. the republicans have to understand the healthcare law will not be repealed. >> bret: there will be a vote to repeal obamacare, wednesday in house of representatives, coming on a day when the republican congress spent john boehner a letter in which it
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estimates if the repeal happens there will be an increase in the federal budget deficit in the next seven years of total of $145 billion. paul ryan pushed back against that saying that obamacare will increase deficit by several hundred thousand dollars. he said c.b.o. has to score what you put in front of them. if you put a bill in front of team that ignores the money to spend to run the program, that double counts the medicare savings and the class act revenue, that double counts the social security revenue, that does not count the doc fix, if you add that you have, net it out, we are talking about $701 billion hole, deficit. there is the response. back with the panel. charles? >> ryan is right on the numbers.
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as douglas hold ekin said, garbage in, garbage out. it is requires to work with what they give you. >> it's a calculator. >> democrats decided the doc fix, over $200 billion would look bad in obamacare. what part? pull it out and put in a separate bill. there is no way to pay for it. it rereduces liability in obamacare. benefits don't kick in 2014, so taxes start now. ten year of revenue in and six years of expenditure out. of course you end up with a surplus. >> bret: do you know how many times we dealt with this issue in the whole debate? >> how many people out there are snoozing every time i go
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through all of those details. this is the only way to deal with it. you have to look at how the numbers were cooked by the democrats and how a c.b.o. answer is not an objective answer. >> bret: the question is do remembers then, do they ask the c.b.o. to score a repeal and come back with the same numbers they had the democrats put in? >> they would have to get the cbo to agree there are different assumptions and the things that paul ryan is talking about if they expect cbo to have something different, or is it the same thing. this is the trap that the republicans have fallen in to on this subject. they're on the defensive now. now they are challenging the cbo and they've got the democrats and pelosi's office putting out statementing talking about this is going to add if it's repealed $230 billion to the deficit in the first ten years. republicans are on the defensive. priestly, they were on the offensive. even in terms of the way it's
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handles. the rule is a rule. it will be a majority vote. no amendments allowed. not making any compensation for the fact there might be added deficit. >> bret: although, house majority leader irrick cantor and i -- eric cantor and i asked about this and he said we had two years on this and an election that dealt with the subject. the american people expect to us have this vote. >> you know what i think -- >> bret: i know. that is his honest. >> in all honesty, if he was saying let's have a discussion, debate because things here need to be fixed i wonner if the american people wouldn't react differently. the way it's done now puts democrats on the offensive and again puts republicans on the defensive crouch. >> i have three things. first, part of the problem since everybody knows it can't finally pass, it's not going to become law -- >> through the senate. >> get past the veto and the rest. there is really no reason not to have a symbolic vote.
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but instead of repeal and replace, you just get repeal. the third point is and i agree with juan, once you have the defic deficitc cbo argument you lose the forest for the tree. crazy to talk about the fact that somehow a sweeping new entitlement that will add 30 million people to the healthcare roles isn't going to cost a lot more money. if you took the deficit out, no one disputes it will cost more money in spending and more money in taxes. that is the argument that republican need to be making, that this was a crazy expansion of government. if the green eye shake eye with the pocket protectors want to talk about cbo scoring fine. it needs to be repealed because it's bad for the economy. >> if the opposition is going to wave around cbo report with a number on it, what republicans ought to do or ought to have done is ask the
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cbo to calculate theco of healthcare reform. 10 years of revenue against 10 years of income so i don't have to say it again on the air. new number will come out, out of the cbo and a clean number to show a huge deficit. >> we think our viewers like the weeds. we've been there many times. that is it for the panel. stay tuned for what is in a name. ...
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>> brett: finally tonight, ryan is trying to unseat michael steele. vote is next week. many republicans insiders say he has a decent shot to win but the question is can people get his name right. >> now, pronouncing the name correctly. pundits. it's


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